10-09-2012 05:26 PM
We purchased an extra 4 slot cRio at the end of build season last year, and my programming students are having difficulty with using it. The cRio will work fine until it is sent a reboot command. When it receives a reboot command, for example: when uploading code or flashing the firmware, it will freeze and the activity lights on the Ethernet port will stop flashing. Any further connections will time out until the power is cycled.
Any suggestions for how to further debug this issue?
Mark Kadonoff
Team 620
10-15-2012 08:24 AM
Hey Mark,
I would start by connecting a null model serial cable to the cRIO and using Putty or Hyperterminal to get the output from the console. More information on that here:http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/354A5124E6A667988625701B004A77CD. We may get an error message on the console that will tell us what is going on.
After the power is cycled does the program run correctly?
Has this cRIO ever worked correctly - or did it just start happening? It might be worth trying to re-image the controller if you haven't yet.