02-11-2011 11:19 AM
I'm helping a rookie team and we are having trouble making the robot move.
I helped them get their robot moving. I then saw that, for some reason, they had last years robot code they were deploying to the robot. We applied the 2011 FRC update (from the ni website) and after that, the robot wouldn't move. We re-imaged the cRio from their classmate, I can see the joystick getting to the 2 motor arcade drive vi (In teleop) but the robot doesn't move.
The Jaguars have the yellow flashing lights so they are at least getting power. I didn't have my DMM with me so I couldn't tell if power is getting out to the motors.
What can we try to troubleshoot this?
02-11-2011 11:33 AM
few ideas:
Just check these over.
Possibly try providing the code in an attachment.
Davis Catherman
02-11-2011 12:58 PM
The joysticks seem to be correct since we can get the joystick output in the teleop vi (We added indicators)
We re-imaged the cRio to the 2011 (which it already was set up but did anyway just to make sure)
I'll have them try the example joystick control. However we did try the example motor control and it did not run the motor (we could see the vi running, just not controlling the motor)
It may be the digital sidecar, i'll probably have them swap the one they are using for the other one they have.
Thanks for the suggestions.