02-16-2019 07:00 PM
I've been trying to search the web for code that demonstrates timing solenoids and i have not been able to find one. if anyone could send me an example that would help a lot!
02-16-2019 07:49 PM
If you're using the Command Control Template, use a delay (in a sequence structure, or state machine, etc. couple options), if using the basic template it might look something like this (I'll use the Memory Library from https://www.frclabviewtutorials.com/tutorials/memory-library/, but you can also achieve each of the pieces using feedback nodes like on Team358's site).
02-17-2019 07:19 AM
oops, forgot to subtract from current time to convert to elapsed time:
02-17-2019 02:11 PM
To give you a usable solution can you clarify a few things.
Is the process Press-Release-Wait-Activate Solenoid OR
Is the process Press-Hold for Wait Time-Activate Solenoid OR
Something else.
Is the Solenoid a type single or a double coil?
How do you shut the solenoid off or move it to the original position?
02-18-2019 09:31 AM
the process is press-release-wait. the solenoid is a double solenoid. and once the button is false the solenoid is off.
02-20-2019 12:33 PM
So are you looking for the button press to hold the solenoid on for 1 sec then turn off?