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I have LabVIEW at work. Can I get the FIRST toolkit without having to upset my License agreement and what I can do with my work license.

I have a full developers version of LabVIEW. I am wondering if there is a way to add the FIRST robotics tool kit to that without having to enter the teams serial number. I use LabVIEW for work. We have limited computers for our team so I would like to be able to use the FIRST tool set on my work computer but I can not have it give me problems with building applications or anything that has to do with my work.

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Message 1 of 6

The team's serial number is just a way to let the teams activate LabVIEW and use it for their design.  If you already have LabVIEW 2014, you'd only need to install the update suite hosted in the software section at

One thing I'd be aware of:  the FRC software also includes Vision.  Does your work license also include the vision drivers?

As far as how it'd interact with your work applications, the FRC Update Suite is going to install some API FRC teams use as well as what is known as an "Environment" that makes it appear different than standard LabVIEW.  You can swap between environments by going to Tools->Choose Environment and swap between the two. 

Message 2 of 6

I do not have the Vision or Real Time tool kits. That is why I am a little concerned about just adding the FIRST stuff to my system. I use this software everyday for work and I can not have the FIRST install affect my job computer.

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Message 3 of 6

You would need to install those modules to use the FRC software with the work computer.  You can activate Modules with a different SN than the LabVIEW license.  This would activate those two modules to the FRC SN rather than your works.  As far as functionality, this would add functionality to your work PC rather than remove functionality.  You'd see a couple of extra palettes in the function's palette and you could change the cosmetic portion by using the environment.

As an example, I have all of the FRC software installed on my work computer here so I can support FRC questions I receive and work with the roboRIOs.  But, my default environment is the LabVIEW environment.  When I want to see the tools that are easily linked in the FRC environment, I swap over and do that work.  When I'm done, I can either close LabVIEW so that when I open it for my next project it'll default to the normal LabVIEW environment or I can manually go back to that environment if I'm going to be working at that point in time.

I can't forsee any problems you'd run into.  Do you have anything specific you're worried about happening?

Message 4 of 6

No I just need to make sure that I can still build and deploy appliactions and not affect my job if I use my computer. That is all. So what do I have to do to get the FRC tool kit on my computer is as simple as adding the serial number to the activiation? Do I have to download the update?

Thanks for your help.

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Message 5 of 6

Follow this link to the FRC Software:  

You'll want to install the FRC Update Suite.  It's probably best to download both links and install the components from the NI Software Package that you don't already have (RT, VAS, RIO) so that you can use the entire functionality.

When you install those components, you use the FRC SN to activate them so you can work on those FRC applications without requiring any additional purchases at work. 

If you want to see what I mean by environment, try loading LabVIEW on one of the laptops the team has been using.  You'll see the 2015 FRC screen after LabVIEW loads.  Go to Tools->Choose Environment and select the typical LabVIEW environment.  You'll see something more familiar.  This gives you the ability to see what is taking place without doing anything to your work computer.  That should make things feel safer.

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Message 6 of 6