FIRST Robotics Competition Discussions

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LabVIEW Problema

We are a rookie team and when we install the image that comes with us int eh USB the LabVIEW for FRC was erased from our computer. we need to reinstall everything ?

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Message 1 of 6

Hey Sebastian12,

I am not sure what you mean with your post. How was the LabVIEW for FRC erased?

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
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Message 2 of 6

It may sound weird. But after we installed the Image that come in the USB the LabvIEW didnto appeear more in the PC

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Message 3 of 6

Hey Sebastian12,

When you select the image from the USB do you select Autorun? This is how you should install the software.  I would recomend selecting Autorun and then Install Everything. This should put 7 products onto your machine. Do you get any errors during installation? About how long does intallation take?

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
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Message 4 of 6

is the PC you're talking about on the netbook computer you received in your kit of parts or a separate development system? Labview may (or may not) fit on the netbook disk.

A separte PC should be used for development...if the netbook's the problem.

"Lockheed" Joe
Testing Blog"
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Message 5 of 6

Also when you say "installed the Image that come in the USB"

Are you talking about the green and white USB key labled "Image E11"?

That is only for the Classmate and not for any other PC or laptop top.

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Message 6 of 6