02-16-2012 04:59 PM
I cannot figure out how/where to plug my fisher Price 00968-9013 motor into. And on top of that can i use my "transmissions set up" to run the motor, or can i use the servo motor "limit switch set up", because i want to be able to get the motor to be able to pull up and down some robot "arms". I want to be able to do that without waving to push down on a joystick, i just want to have to ush one of my buttons. Please help if you can!!
02-17-2012 09:51 AM
Im not sure what you mean by your transmissions set up. I have seen teams in the past control these motors with either a motor controller or a relay. Depending on the method of control you would either be using a simple Digital output or a PWM output from the digital sidecar to control the relay or motor controller. You could easily set up code to make that controlled by pushing a button - you just need to take the boolean output of the joystick and map that to a case structure which controls the output to the motor.