01-28-2015 11:15 AM
I am new to Vision Assistant and our team's intent was to use the camera to drive the robot in a straight line to the target on the tote (I.E. control steering in autonomous mode). However, I couldn't come up with the right parameters to get a match.
But my bigger question is that since the target image from the camera will get bigger and change as the robot approachs the target will our approach even work??
01-30-2015 02:24 PM
Which functions are you using in vision assistant? If you're using geometric matching, you can set the parameters to accept a range of scaled target images. You could potentially also use color matching, rather than shape matching.
01-31-2015 07:48 AM
Thanks for the help! Pulled up geometric matching but will need to change camera settings to get an 8 bit binary image. I also saw object tracking under "Processing functions: Color". Hopefully will get time later today to work on the issue.
Thanks Again!
02-02-2015 06:12 AM
I looked at the camera settings and do not see a way to downgrade the camera to producing 8 bit binary. The camera is normally producing a 640 X 480 RGB (32Bit) JPEG image. Therefore before I can use any processing, I need to get the image into 8 bit binary??
Again thanks for your help.
02-02-2015 10:48 AM
Have you tried this yet?
02-02-2015 12:51 PM
Have you looked at the 2015 Vision Example in the FRC Examples yet (from the Splash screen select Support->Find FRC Examples)? Or Tutorial 8 (from the Splash screen select Tutorials).
The approaches taken in the example code are by no means the only way to detect the totes, but I just wanted to make sure you knew they existed.