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cRIO imaging problem

This could be because NI-RIO was not installed. This can be an issue on x64 machines. Reinstalling it should solve the problem.



0 Kudos
Message 41 of 65

This thread ended up being a mixture of problems for the cRIO classic and new
cRIO IIs. Our team didn't have any problems imaging the cRIO classics.  The
cRIO II's however, absolutely would not work.  Since my original post I did
try imaging from the Classmate and that also failed with the timeout.
Wireless on/wireless off didn't make a difference.  Direct connect or switch
didn't make a difference.  I verified that ftp was working fine.  I saw some
CheifDelphi posts suggesting a subnet of and not I'm
not actually sure what subnet mask we were using.

This was all before the second utilities patch was released. What
finally did work was enabling the NetConsole toggle!! With that
selected, we were able to image from the classmate without issues.
I've never used the netconsole before and we had never selected
this in the past. I'm not sure why that would make a difference.

A few days ago we loaded the Update2  set of patches on the Classmate.
This seems have fixed things. It doesn't matter if the netconsole
options is selected or not - we can image both ways. I haven't
tried to go back and use the original Windows 7 laptops
that had both failed. 


0 Kudos
Message 42 of 65

Hey Pete,

Thanks for the update. There were some issues with the network stack that we resolved in the update. A little suprising that the wireless on/off didn't work for you originally but I am glad its up and running now.

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 43 of 65

Have an bad situation that has gotten worse since I tried to help.   I'm a programming mentor for our team, and another local team was having an issue with communicating with the cRIO.  I grabbed my laptop, and went to help.  I tried several different tactics to get the student's laptop to format the cRIO with no luck, it just hung in various stages of the reimaging.  I finally just used mine to reimage it, and was successful in getting it reimaged.  At this point, I should have declared victory and gone home.

Unfortunately, I decided that the team needed to be able to do the reimaging on it's own.  So we plugged the student's laptop back in, connecting it to the cRIO in exactly the same network configuration, and tried to reformat.  It hung with a rebooting message, and never came back.  I disconnected his laptop, and tried the imaging tool again.  Now my laptop doesn't see it.  I tried a cross over cable, directly connecting to the cRIO - nothing.  Connect things up to the Dlink access point, nothing.  It looks to be truly broken.

The status LED appears to be a slow blink. flash long pause flash long pause.  I seem to remember that you could boot into a safe mode and recover from a failed imaging, but I don't remember the details.  Any assistance appreciated.

---Michael J Coss FIRST Team 303 - mentor

0 Kudos
Message 44 of 65

Hey Michael,

To restart the cRIO in safe mode, press and hold the Reset button for 5 s, then release it. The Status LED lights should be solid yellow. Before you try to image again from either computer I would make sure you download and install the latest utilities update from our site. This fixed the issue you were seeing with the waiting to reboot message.

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 45 of 65

Both laptops are running the latest update, I know for a fact that mine is because this solve imaging problem on my own teams cRIO.  It is clear though that the other teams cRIO seems to be bricked in some fashion, and I'm hoping that safe mode will let me recover it.

I'll try the holding the reset and see what happens but I had already tried that last night and the Status LED never went solid, it always went to a single blink followed by a long pause.  Is there a table with what the Status LED codes are?

---Michael J Coss - FIRST Team 303 - mentor

0 Kudos
Message 46 of 65

Hey Michael,

Page 16 of this document: is a good place to start.

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 47 of 65

Just For Everyone's Information, here is what the NI Service tech had me do:

1. Open "Measurement and Automation" from start menu.

2. Under My System -> Software you should see an entry for NI-RIO

3. If you don't you need to reinstall the tools from the NI flash drive.

Hope this helps someone!

0 Kudos
Message 48 of 65


We are having the same issue. We have a cRIO-FRC.

I have tried almost every possible "solution" in this thread (and combination of solutions). The only thing we haven't tried is hooking up the cRIO and the laptop to a switch/hub as suggested by post # 22:

- I have tried with a direct and crossover cable.

- I have installed all mandatory updates (including utilities V2.0 which includes the new Imaging Tool).

- I have disabled Wi-Fi & Bluetooth (not only disconected)

- I have reinstalled all software.

- I have put the cRIO in safe mode, done an IP reset.

- I have used different IP addresses, also changed subnet mask to instead of

- I have added exceptions to the Firewall and also completly disabled it.

- I have disabled the anti-virus (Avast Antivirus)

- I have run the tool as administrator and in compatibility mode.

Anyways, I'm sure I'm omiting some things I've done, but the point is I have tried almost every possible solution offered in this thread and others and keep getting the same error:

"The cRIO IP address ( is unreachable. Ensure that one of your computer's network adapters is on the same subnet. Your network adapters are currently set to the following:"

I'm running windows 7, on a Macbook Pro with Bootcamp (not using a virtual machine, it has windows installed). And I'm sure this is not the problem since we have tried on another computers also.

I hope someone can help us. Thanks in advance.

PS: I have uploaded a photo just in case.

Joel Castillo

Programming Mentor

Team 3526, México


0 Kudos
Message 49 of 65

Hey Joel,

If you haven't already I would try to reset your IP Address on the cRIO (turn on the safe mode and IP Reset switch and restart the cRIO). This will give your cRIO for an IP Address. Directly connect to the cRIO with a crossover cable. Set your computers NIC to automatically aquire an IP Address.  When you start the imaging tool you should be prompted to format the controller. Format the controller and then image the controller. Post back if you still have issues after this.

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
Message 50 of 65