FIRST Robotics Competition Discussions

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cRIO selenoid module.

We wanted to know how can we change our selenoid module of the step 3 to the step numer 2 of our cRIO II faq.

We need to change the modules because our selenoid module is not detected by the program in LabView when we are wanted to select the selenoid module 3 it only appeears the options of selenoid module 1 and selenoid module 2.

error selenoid.png

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Message 1 of 3

If there is only one solenoid module in a cRIO FRC II then in software it will be associated with Solenoid Module 1 regardless of the physical slot the module is in. This module will be the first and only solenoid module detected.

Jeff L
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

This is not quite accurate.  Assuming the cRIO-FRC II, if the Solenoid Module (NI 9472) is in slot 3, it is Solenoid Module 1.  If it is in slot 4, it is Solenoid Module 2.

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Message 3 of 3