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Excessive lag time LVLM and NXT using Remote Control template

We are experiencing about a 2 second delay between joystick inputs and robot action using LVLM with a bluetooth connection.  We experience this delay when we use the Team's Macbook (OS 10.6.1, 2.26 GHz, 2 GB RAM).  We do not experience the delay when we use LVLM with the same robot and a Dell (Windows 7) laptop. 

We note the delay even within the Remote Control Editor without the NXT and Robot powered on.  I.e., the red dots that illustrate the Controller's input take approximately 2 seconds to move after the control stick has been moved, and for 2 seconds after the control stick is released, the red dot indicates that input still exists.  The delay does not occur when the keyboard is selected as the controller.

We are using the new Logitech Gamepad F310s.  Is it possible that this is a Logitech driver issue?

I'd appreciate any suggestions.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

Hey Lance,

This sounds like a driver issue to me since it is only present on the Mac computer.  From doing a little research it looks like the drivers only officially support Windows but should work with Mac if used in direct mode. This arcticle gives a little information about how to set the modes and the differences between them: . Are you already using the controller in direct mode and still getthing the lag time?

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

Thanks for the response!

We have the controllers set to direct input mode.  This same problem, excessive lag time, occurs if I use last year's logitech controller as well.

I called Logitech and they said that there are no drivers for the Mac, and that the game/program that you are using the gamepad with, is what drives/configures the gamepad.

Based on this post,, I'm considering purchased the "gamepadcompanion" from the Mac App Store. 

Does anybody have any experience with that app?  It doesn't specifically support the F310, but it does support the standard Dual Action Game Controller.



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Message 3 of 8

This is an issue with the built-in bluetooth chip on Macbooks being somewhat incompatible with the NXT Driver. You can buy the supported bluetooth dongle from LEGO.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

nevermind i just noticed you said you can see the delay even with the NXT off. (I assume this means you have the delay when connected over USB?)

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

"I assume this means you have the delay when connected over USB?"

That is correct. 

The delay occurs whether we connect with Bluetooth or USB.

The delay exists when I use the Logitech controller to move the robot.  There is no delay when I use the keyboard as the controller.

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Message 6 of 8

We are experiencing the exact same problem.  Robot responds fine with keyboard, yet lags with Longitech controller input. Running LVMS (10.0.1), Mac OS 10.7.5.    The lag is approximately .5 sec via USB, and 2 sec via bluetooth.  Has anyone come up with a work around for this?  If so, we would deeply appreciate hearing about it.

Thanks very much.

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Message 7 of 8

My team is having problems with the exact same issue with the Remote Control Editor.  I'll also note another bit of wierdness that might be related.  If the remote control editor is left open in the background, any .vi's take an excessivly long time to compile and download to the NXT.  These bugs make LabVIEW quite frustrating for FTC teams using Macs.

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Message 8 of 8