08-27-2014 09:02 AM
I use NI-FBUS with the USB Device from National Instruments to communicated with my FF devices. Currently I try to run an own application
with LabVIEW 2009 and the fflv.dll.
I can open the session, browse for the devices, change the default address and get the block tags.
Now I try to Read the parameter for e.g. the RESOURCE BLOCK but with the NI FBUS Communicator 4.1.1 the FF Open Block VI
is missing (also not in the dll). Does anyone have any idea what I can do so that I can read out the parameters of a block.
Ebbe Sand
08-28-2014 03:06 AM
You are using the legacy FF VIs. Legacy VI does not include FF Open Block. It's a VI from the new API.
If you want to read paramters using legacy VIs, you can use FF_read.vi after FF_Open_Session.vi, assigning the "tag" (parameter name) that you want to read.
See the examples at <National Instruments>\LabVIEW 20XX\examples\FF\
I recommend that you use the new VI API. Legacy VIs are going to be obsoleted in NI-FBUS 14.0, which will be released in two weeks.
08-28-2014 04:03 AM
What do you mean with "Legacy VIs are going to be obsoleted in NI-FBUS 14.0"
Means this that I can't use the current Version of NI-FBUS in the future ?
08-28-2014 09:39 PM
Hi EbbeSand,
You can use the current version of NI-FBUS always.
If you decide to upgrade it to version 14.0, legacy VIs won't be there after installation of 14.0.
You can write an email to fieldbus.support@ni.com to request it if you decide to both upgrade NI-FBUS to 14.0 and use the legacy VIs.