07-20-2010 07:19 AM
Would it be possible to have some of the more important boards floated to the top of the page? The Excel thread would be a good thread to have when someone logs into the breakpoint forum or maybe even in the LabVIEW forum. This way a new person could see it right away. The nuggets would also be a good one. Any thread that give a new or old user concentrated information. No questions just a collective of information.
Just a thought.
07-20-2010 08:44 AM
The topic of floating threads has come up several times before. Most people (myself included) hate floated threads. Well, maybe hate is too strong a word. They "irk me the wrong way". That's a little better.
That's not to say they're bad or good. It's just a personal preference on my part.
07-20-2010 08:48 AM
Well maybe we put them on the side as most common question. Something
07-20-2010 08:52 AM
That's certainly an interesting idea. I'd rather have something like that than the "Top Kudoed Posts" sidebar.
07-20-2010 12:57 PM
I am one of those who "intensely dislike" floated threads, at least ones which I don't want. Long ago I've suggested (more than once) allowing us to simply unfloat threads floated by the moderators. That way, the thread would be floated, but anyone who wants to hide it can do so easily.
I'll let you guess what happened with that feature request.
07-20-2010 01:02 PM
Laura, now that I think about it, do you have the option of floating and unfloating threads for users?
If you do, you can probably just write a script which would do this for each user (instead of locking a thread to the top) and then we wouldn't need to wait for Lithium to implement this feature.
One problem this may cause is with users who create an account after the thread was floated, because they wouldn't see the thread. Potential solutions are a trigger on a user creation or a batch which would run once a day and float the threads for all new users.
07-21-2010 07:38 AM
Molly created the Breakpoint for our use. now that we have developed some content in the forms of the lists,...
How about a new catagory under the Special Interests Borad called something like "User Favorites". All of those threads like the Excel, Picture, Nugget, Funny could get moved there. WE could subscribe and get updates when someone adds new links and they would not get burried in the breakpoint.
No need to float and clutter the breakpoint.
Just tossing ideas.
07-21-2010 07:49 AM
I like that idea. It would just be nice to have a section where we have answered "that question" one thousand different times so that we can send someone to that place to look for an answer.
07-21-2010 08:21 AM
@aeastet wrote:
I like that idea. It would just be nice to have a section where we have answered "that question" one thousand different times so that we can send someone to that place to look for an answer.
I guess tagging will be helpful here.
07-21-2010 08:23 AM
@aeastet wrote:
It would just be nice to have a section where we have answered "that question" one thousand different times so that we can send someone to that place to look for an answer.
I'm sure it's been suggested before (probably by tst, I seem to have seen a lot of FAQ requests from him), but we could create a thread called FAQ on the Breakpoint, and create posts on that thread that answer "that question". Those posts could be discussed and edited on a separate thread, and once a consensus is reached on the wording for the answer, a single delegate copy and pastes the answer to the FAQ thread.
There could be different FAQ threads.... one that covers general programming architectures ('What's a race condition?'), one that covers LabVIEW specific common questions ('When local variables are appropriate?'), and board etiquette ('What's the best way to select an "Accepted Solution"?').
See here where I suggested the process, and feel free to jump in an edit that paragraph.