08-20-2010 10:39 AM
Sometime I discuss an idea on another platform than the NI forum (Info-LabVIEW, LAVA, real life) and I advise them to vote for a particular idea on the Idea Exchange. For people foreign to the 'Kudos' term it's sounds strange, while calling it 'Votes' makes it more recognizable.
Kudo is a term mainly used on internet and in youth communities, it might be astranging to more serious programmers.
08-20-2010 02:27 PM
A use case is found here, where David Ferster made his first post in 8 years to give me moral support after I pointed him to the idea on Info-LabVIEW. What he should have done is make a Kudo to the idea, but being new to the community he didn't knew what to do and did the most natural thing people do on a forum: they post.
08-23-2010 07:32 AM
@TCPlomp wrote:
A use case is found here, where David Ferster made his first post in 8 years to give me moral support after I pointed him to the idea on Info-LabVIEW. What he should have done is make a Kudo to the idea, but being new to the community he didn't knew what to do and did the most natural thing people do on a forum: they post.
I second the idea (vote for this idea).
Using Kuods to vote for ideas and then comparing that count with replies to queries has always been apples and ornages to me.
08-23-2010 10:01 AM
I will add a third to the voting.
08-23-2010 11:37 PM
08-24-2010 02:28 PM
You've go my vote. Meanwhile a kudo or two will have to suffice.
11-15-2010 12:57 PM
Bumpity Bump Bump..
One of the fringe benefits of the Forum Maintenance (besides the vast improvements in all phases of operation ) is that the Kudos database goes through some strange convulsions. Sometimes between disappearances, the top Kudoed posts in a Profile page will only show LV posts and that, to me, seems like a vast improvement.
I am sure there is room for a Top Ideas section on the Profile page, and other stats (Ideas Posted, Comments) are already singled out, so it does not appear to be an arduous task to add 'Votes', or at least sequestor Kudos from the Idea Exchange.
Personally, I probably Kudo about one-third of the ideas I should because I am not really wired to have two sets of rules for what constitutes a Kudo.
11-16-2010 10:39 AM
Back to the original idea of changing Kudos to Votes for the Idea Exchange - what if we removed the word "Kudos" from the icon you click? Or do you prefer that icon to say "Votes"? The problem with completely changing everything in the Idea Exchange over to Votes is that when you look at your profile page, your total Kudos count will include Kudos and Votes from both forum threads and ideas. Is this OK for now? I will submit a suggestion that we are able to choose to separate these two metrics.
I am checking on separating the widgets on the profile page to show ideas and threads separately, but right now I don't think it's possible.
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