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Enthusiasts 2

Hi tst,


It is accomplishments like this that I would like to see more formally recognized.

THE LIST as I posted it is still just a temprary work-around until Molly comes through the the official version.

If you recall, CC started this list manually. He was actually browsing and taking notes to produce the first versions.

As time has passed he has automated the data collection and analysis.

After the current statistics are gathered for all of the user he MANUALLY entered into the data collection, the new list is compared with the old list and the evolution determined.

Because this has been a work-in-progress, CC has added more users as time has gone by, so the the list has been growing. There are some fileds that can only be completed if the user appeared in the previous sheet.

I will try to take another look at the code to see if I can get more data. I will try to do this before I update the list again this coming Sunday afternoon.

As it stands now we(well actually me, until CC gets back) are limited in the data we can access. This historical trending is based on the data that was captured previously.

To other contributors,

If you want me to make sure your name is included in the list please e-mail me your "" number. This is the number that shows up in the browsers address bar when you view your profile. As an example my number is "9539" and the url of my profile is shown below.

E-mail me at

Make sure the subject include the phrase "Enthusiast List" so I do not delete your message thinking it is spam.



"To reach the unreachable star" (Man of La Mancha).

This brings another short coming in the list as it stands. We do not have the history to put CC efforts in context. There were three "fireballs" the streaked across the Devloper Exchange before CC arrived.

Gorka Larea was probably answering about 3 Q per day.
The guru was also doing about 3 Q's per day.
At one point I think Mike Porter was averaging almost 10 per day at his peak!

No I can not justify these numbers.

(Dennis and Greg please forgive me leaving you out, I am talking about the sprinters not the marathoners!).

At the current rate I will be looking at his heels in less than two years!

Thank you for reading,

Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 61 of 225
Ben, CC, and Community -

I wanted to update you all on the progress on the "Leader Board" project and try to set your expectations. We have put in the request and the forum vendors have been working diligently to determine what would be the best way to implement it. They are taking your suggestions and modifying scope accordingly. We are all very impressed with the work that has gone into this and all of the creative ideas you have!

Unfortunately, it's hard to put a timeline on when this functionality will be available, but I will keep you updated on progress as I hear it. Your enthusiasm and dedication to this feature is definitely being taken into consideration during prioritize discussions.

Molly K.
Web Support & Operations Manager
National Instruments
Message 62 of 225
Thanks Molly

Message 63 of 225
Hi tst,

I finally found the time to figure out what needed changed, and I appreciate why you were asking for this change.




delta = +23

I do like the evolution collumn. It is an excellent way to see who's moving and who's not.

I will attach the standings as of tonight calling it 7a becuase to keep the rate mesurements right this should be run on weekly basis.

The (ah-hem) official update will be posted Sunday afternoon.

Nice work tst!

Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 64 of 225

Did we ever congratulate the following people on their achievement and contribution to this forum:

Greg McKastle
Chris Matthews
Mike Porter
Filipe A.

They all deserve our congratulations for crossing the 1000 post barrier. But especially for taking the time to share their knowledge & experience...


PS: Thanks for the updated list.
Message 65 of 225
Back in the day...

of the old Exchange, answer were tracked seperate from replies.

Dennis was ack'd when he passed 1000.

Greg was ack'd when he went over 1000 answers.

Dennis was ack'd by the father of LV when he passed 2000!

The others were never ack'd becuase the totals shifted when the Exchange was converted.

I think that they should included in the "Hall of Fame" when it gets added.

Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 66 of 225

I seemed to recall Gregs thread.
I did a search but did not find it.

Actually, I should refine my search engine or recommend an improvement.

I get too many hits for the same thread using the basic search.

Try a basic search on "congratulations". You get many pages to the same thread..

Message 67 of 225
Thanks, Ben. I'm trying. This is a good place to practice my writing skills and to learn LV at the same time. What could be better. There are actually members who've climbed more then 23, but hopefully I'm the only one to have climbed about 90 places in 3 weeks. By the way, even with this rate, Dennis still answered more Q\day. AHHHHHH.
As for recognition, here are some of the links:
Dennis's 1000 replies, His 2000 replies, and Greg's 1000 replies.
I definitely agree that the search engine is problematic. For example, searching for "Greg" from the search box at the top of each page gave 3 results, while the same search using the advanced search page (put it in your favorites menu) yields a lot of results, the first of which, BTW, is the link above.

Try to take over the world!
Message 68 of 225
Sorry. I meant AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!

Try to take over the world!
0 Kudos
Message 69 of 225
I forgot Ben's 1000 posts link (started by Greg, no less).

Try to take over the world!
0 Kudos
Message 70 of 225