03-22-2017 05:47 PM - edited 03-22-2017 05:53 PM
I tried to find some posts I tagged (this is harder than I would think, but not the point of this post).
Anyway, I clicked on a tag I used, fully expecting it to go to posts that I have tagged with that tag (it didn't). No big deal, there's a top taggers list with only 39 taggers. Surely I can find posts I tagged from there. However, when I click the Top Taggers, it takes me to a global Top Taggers list. It would be nice, I think, if this took me to the Top Taggers for the current tag, from which I could see posts by that tagger.
I very rarely use tags, so if more experienced users think this is not how they should work, I will withdraw.
At any rate, can anyone tell me how to find posts that I have tagged with "Font"?
EDIT: As it turns out, posts I have tagged are on that page, they're just not at the top. I scrolled right by them. I'd like to blame all the white space and giant text for this.
03-23-2017 12:59 PM
Hi Tim,
You're correct, the "posts I tagged" component is seen on the page, but it's in the center between "latest" and "top tagged" posts. We will take your feedback into account and consider moving the placement of the "posts I tagged" component.
Also, the "Top Taggers" component is the list of users who used a particular tag the most. However, when clicking through it take you to the overall tagging leaderboard instead of displaying results for the tag+user. Unfortunately, this is the out-of-the-box functionality. We can raise this enhancement to our community provider though.
Lili McDonald
Community Manager
National Instruments