09-02-2009 02:00 AM
My opinion has always been that the rankings are more of a distraction than anything else.
People who have only a handful of posts can make some valuable contributions to the forums and others who are considerably more experienced can miss a beat or two occasionally (only occasionally).
09-03-2009 07:42 AM
Intaris wrote:My opinion has always been that the rankings are more of a distraction than anything else.
I agree, they way it is now. But I like some of the proposed changes.
I'd like to see a metric that deducts rank for posters that don't check back in after they've had help from several members. Just a pet peeve of mine. A lot of noobs will do this - they'll have a few members help with posting VI's and screenshots, then you never hear from them again, until they post another thread of the same question reworded.
09-10-2009 09:03 AM
Broken Arrow wrote:...then you never hear from them again, until they post another thread of the same question reworded.![]()
LOL! I agree with the frustration!
Haven't read all the posts in the thread, but I would like to suggest one more rank which would differentiate between a "Proven Regular" who has been inactive since 4 years (but is considered Proven Regular due to his past posts/hours spent etc.) and someone who has joined recently but has been active well (enough to be called Proven and Regular).
I guess, the present system would call them both with the same name. How about calling the latter as "Rising Regular."
So, Proven means someone who has proved himself with his Rise in the past, not necessarily active presently, and Rising means someone who is new and is going up with activity.
Then if that Proven become active again, he will naturally (by current system) go up in the rankings (initially, perhaps as Rising for a very short period and then due to his already good history he would quickly go up) to the next level, perhaps Proven Active Regular, and that Rising Regular will spend his natural time to be that Proven Active Regular.
How's that?
The old guys won't lose their old good fame, and the new one will get his "inspiring" new name.
09-11-2009 08:36 AM
09-22-2009 01:50 PM
Using the oposite of Vaibhav idea (or adding to it), there we could have "Retired Proven Veteran". I agree with Ben merit should not diminish, but with the incresing activity on the forums, Ranks are being moved. For example the Enthusiast level used to be at 1k posts now is at 2K post so with bars being constantly raised, and increase of Activity, ranks will be lost. So we could somehow freeze the title. Maybe even add a Legend status.
For the Third rank it could be done based on the leader board, top 10%, 25%, 50%.
Something else that coudl be done is considereing in what board is someone most active. We have people with many post in CVI board, but few in LabVIEW.
I Like the 3 bars.
09-23-2009 10:04 AM
BeCeGa wrote:...For example the Enthusiast level used to be at 1k posts now is at 2K post so with bars being constantly raised, and increase of Activity, ranks will be lost. ...
Stepping in the "WayBack Machine"
In the first version of the Exhcnage, we only needed 50 replies to make it to Enthusiast. But back then 50 seemed like a lot.
09-23-2009 04:05 PM
Seeing as how many the community in general is growing and members are staying longer,
I like the idea of percentiles (posted above).
If someones is in the top 10, 25, 50, etc percentile of posts, kudos, etc.
This will make sure it keeps up with the times, and doesnt need to constantly updated.
09-25-2009 09:22 AM
I'm not sure if this has been covered in the various related topics of Forum changes, but would it be possible to prevent a poster from marking their own posts as the "Solution" to the original question? The mechanism shouldn't be too difficult to implement - after all a poster cannot give Kudos to him (or her) self. This seems to be a continuing issue with new members on several boards. It might become more pertinent if Forum changes are made where the number of solved questions is incorporated into ones rank.
09-25-2009 10:02 AM
I think Q'ers are trying to use the "Solved" to dlag the thread as closed. There should be aseperate option to indicate the thread has been answered.
09-25-2009 10:05 AM
I am against this and for the existing setup. The poster who finally explains what exactly was the problem and what he did to solve them will be "THE SOLUTION" isnt it?