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Idea Exchange for Forums

ok thanks Laura.



Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 21 of 26

One option I would like that I have seen in similar contexts (Sourceforge's idea torrent):

  • Voting on the idea exchange

For this to work you should write your idea as a problem (related to this idea😞


It is very hard to react to a file open action of a user.


When we are writing a decent program with our own filetype there is no easy way to react like normal (windows) programs when such a file is openend by a user from the Explorer

After defining the problem you write a possible solution in a seperate comment-post

I would propse the addition of an Application Event that is triggered when the user tries to open a file with my application


Another user might post


What about running multiple instances


The benefit is that you split the problem from the solution allowing for better solutions than you have originally thought.



Other users can vote on problems (questions) as wel as on solutions (comments).


So NI can take their pick in what is the accepted solution, downside is that you will lose time-reference of the different solutions.




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Nederlandse LabVIEW user groep
My LabVIEW Ideas

LabVIEW, programming like it should be!
Message 22 of 26

Laura has expressed the possibility of fulfilling this request, but in the meantime, I would invite the taggers out there to join me in tagging improvement ideas about the forum with the tag




As you can see, I've been trying to tag these as they come out, and many of you have been tagged. I have tried to only tag feature requests and high-visibility bugs, but I'm sure I've tagged some false-negatives and missed some false-positives.


For anyone interested in tagging, don't feel like you're infringing upon a tagger's intellectual property by using someone else's tags - actually, that's exactly the point! It's better if you "steal" people's tags!


Anyway, if you want to help... start stealing tags that you see popping up often!

0 Kudos
Message 23 of 26

Thanks for taking the lead on this Jack, and have a good weekend.




0 Kudos
Message 24 of 26

Re: Stealing Tags


I just typed in "good_question" as a tag, figuring someone else had used that tag before. I was delighted to see once the tag was added, it was formatted "Good_Question" (note the caps). Thanks, Jeff Bohrer! I just stole your tag. Smiley Wink

0 Kudos
Message 25 of 26

Since my first post, I've been slowly gleaning a broader perspective, and I'm no longer convinced an Idea Exchange is the right format for this type of niche feedback. The success of an Idea Exchange is predicated upon a critical mass of contributors and followers, and I don't suspect a huge following would flock to improve the NI web experience. The Feedback Forum really is a better mechanism for feature requests since it's more casual, and it works since Laura monitors it like a hawk. Lithium has some inertia to overcome in terms of rolling out features/bugfixes quickly, but I've built faith in them after moseying throughout the Lithosphere.


So, request withdrawn. Smiley Happy

0 Kudos
Message 26 of 26