09-04-2016 02:17 PM - edited 09-04-2016 05:29 PM
Two issues:
(1) the "Macro" ring is truncated as "Macrc", see image. (this is on chrome)
(2) If I quote a post and delete part of the quote to the end of the edit window, there is no easy way to add text at the end. Everything I type will be part of the quote. (workaround: switch to HTML, add at least one letter at the end, then switch back to rich text mode)
09-04-2016 03:05 PM
Another workaround: place the cursor where you want to start deleting the quote, press Shift+Ctrl+End and then Shift+Left
09-07-2016 12:28 PM
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and also for the workarounds provided. We will look into this and let you know as soon as we have updates.
Thank you
NI Community Team