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New kind of notification?

Hi Lili,


here we go again…


I just got a notification for a new topic in the LabVIEW board:


I got that notification AFTER I answered vickys question!


At the moment I have the impression every forum maintenance just exhibits new (and old) bugs…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 11 of 49

Thanks for the update, Gerd. This particular issue is still under investigation.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 49

Hi Lili,


if you need more material for investigation:


Again I received this notification right after answering the question…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 13 of 49
Thanks, Gerd. We'll pass along these examples.
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 49

Hi Lili,


To clarify - the Notification Feed has always meant to display notifications of new topics within boards that you subscribe to. This is the out-of-the-box behavior and there are no options to filter or disable notification types.

Yesterday I subscribed to a topic in the LabVIEW board to follow the discussion without posting in this topic. I got one (1) notification by email, despite there where several replies last night (and usually I get an email for each new message!).

But: I got NO NOTIFICATION in my notification feed!


So is the notification feed meant to "display notifications of new topics within boards that you subscribe to" or not?


the board notifications appear inconsistently

Yes, all this is very inconsistent!

- I get notifications for "new topics" randomly,  but no notifications for topics I subscribed (intentionally) to.

- I get an email for each new message, when I posted a message in a topic. But I get only one email (instead of 5 or 6) when I subscribe to a topic…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 15 of 49

GerdW wrote: So is the notification feed meant to "display notifications of new topics within boards that you subscribe to" or not?

Yes, that is the intended functionality and it is the issue currently being investigated.


GerdW wrote: I get notifications for "new topics" randomly,  but no notifications for topics I subscribed (intentionally) to.

- I get an email for each new message, when I posted a message in a topic. But I get only one email (instead of 5 or 6) when I subscribe to a topic…

I see that you have over 8,000 subscriptions in the community. I highly recommend that you remove some of the older subscriptions. Once a certain threshold is reached, users may start to experience performance issues. Cleaning up your subscriptions might help fix the intermittent email issue. You might also want to try un-checking the option to "Ignore posts and reviews that I've already read."

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 49

Hi Lili,


I highly recommend that you remove some of the older subscriptions.

I just tried to:

- going into my profile/settings

- looking at my subscriptions: wow, 825 pages…

- How to delete them? Ahh, there are those "Email subsription options". Ahh, I can choose "Check all"!

- Then "Delete Selected Subscriptions". Done. Ohh, not quite done: still 824 more pages to delete.

What the heck? Why is there an option to "Check All" when it does NOT check them all?


Lili, do you have an option to delete them all WITHOUT selecting "Check ALL" on each of those pages? WITHOUT confirming deleting each page again and again? Without waiting for the NI forum the load the next webpage to be able to select just 10 (!) old subscriptions? (The forum is extraordinary slow when creating a list of this huge collection of subscriptions!)


Idea: there should be an option to select all subscriptions older than 30 days (configurable). And with "all" I mean really all of them, not just the 10 subscriptions shown on the page! (With "old" I mean inactive topics.)


You might also want to try un-checking the option to "Ignore posts and reviews that I've already read."

Could you explain this?

I don't want to get notifications for items I already read! So how can it help to not ignore them?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
0 Kudos
Message 17 of 49

Well I don't have 8,000, but I do have 3,000 and I quite like having older ones.  Very often someone will reply to a thread I posted to years ago and since I'm still active I can chime in.  If that weren't the case I would never know that a new reply was posted.  I have seen notifications for posts like what is being mentioned here, and I always thought it might have been a case where someone posted in a subforum I was subscribed to, and then someone moved it to a different subforum.  I'll try to keep track of when it happens next time.

Message 18 of 49

Gerd - correct, the option to "check all" is referring to just those items displayed on the page. As you said, there are some enhancements that we could request to be made to this particular workflow.

I suspect that your inconsistent notifications are due to the high number of subscriptions you have, but if you change around the settings - such as ignore posts I've read - you could see if it makes a difference or not, specifically with topics you've already participated in. It might make no difference or give you notifications you do not want. I don't have this option selected and I don't tend to see notifications that I don't want, so it might be worth testing.



0 Kudos
Message 19 of 49

@LiliMcDonald wrote:

Gerd - correct, the option to "check all" is referring to just those items displayed on the page. As you said, there are some enhancements that we could request to be made to this particular workflow. 

Gmail does it right. Very functional!




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Message 20 of 49