07-13-2010 04:31 PM
The Labview board has something like 3000 pages of posts. Trolling through these to go to a particluar page is painful.
Is there?...or could there be?...a simple "goto page...." button, which will take you straight to that page.
I've searched for one but can't find one.
07-13-2010 11:44 PM
I dont know how this can be helpful since you should still know what is in that page to look for. A better way is to tag the thread that you think you might have a second time look as well.
07-14-2010 01:12 AM
Aside from the point muks brings up, I'll also repost my text from the other thread:
As for a workaround, you can type the page number as part of the URL. The structure is clearly visible when you look at the URL.
A side question would be what the advantage of going to a specific page is. Unless you know exactly what's on that page, the only things you will gain are some random threads and knowing which date you're in."