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Labview VI browser

Good Morning,

I creating a VI with a Browser inside to show a image of my camera of sensopart via Web server.

If i put the IP address  the  VI load the image of the layout of webserver page, but not the image of camera captured, and show me an error with ( your browser Microsoft Internet Explorer .Version 4 can't show the overlays), It's very stange because on my pc there is the latest version of IE ( version 11).

Do you have any idea to solve this problem..

Thank you very much for any ideas or advice.. 🙂


P.S here as attachment you can see the VI and the picture with error.


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I think the problem could be related to your Internet Explorer version or settings. I tried to run your code and it runs properly (IE 11) so I think it's not a LV related issue.


Try to reinstall IE or to check the settings.





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