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request web service to create file for download and show the progress to the web ui. any example?

System Link user might notice that, if we are exporting multiple Tags history to CSV, they put all tags in the same columns stacking each other and that would looks weird in a spread sheet. Thus I'm thinking to make a web ui which allow user to select multiple tags to export and let LabVIEW Web service process it and show progress bar while making the file ready for download.


my question is:

is there any implemented example which perform some thing like the following steps:

- web ui requesting webservice to create a file for download.

- web service start creating the file after receiving the request from web ui.

- web ui could show the progress bar of web service while creating the file.

- web service return the path/url of temporary download link after the file is created.

- web ui show the url for downloading the file to the user.

- webservice will delete the temporary file after certain period of time.

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