09:33 AM
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04:28 PM
I'm trying to follow the links from the G# Framework page but some of them are broken. Specifically, the online manual and UML online manual.
The ADDQ site also has some options for English but is primarily in Swedish, so it's easy to get lost following links looking for the documentation.
I'm also having a hard time figuring out if it should use WhiteStarUML (which has been abandoned as of Feb 2018) or StarUML 2.0. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
04-25-2018 02:52 PM
Hi Cranky,
This is a bit of a mess currently. The plugin you've found is made for StarUML 1, which is long gone. I've had a side project to develop an upgrade to WhiteStarUML which is basically ready for release (it's in internal beta). A very fortunate timing of Janusz to abandon it, right?
That being said, WhiteStarUML work as is and the code is open should any bugs be found, so it's not quite gone ('just' abandoned).
If you're interested in testing the WhiteStar one, as is, i might be able arrange that (or maybe it should be an open beta, i'll need to discuss it with a couple of colleagues). It has several improvement compared to the old one.
Currently there is no plan up build it for StarUML 2 since one key point of the other two was that they're free.
04-25-2018 03:12 PM
Hi Yamaeda,
My interest is more in the documentation of the G# library than the UML integration, but thank you for the update. I'll pass on the beta test since I'm not experienced with UML.
04-26-2018 04:59 AM
Are you looking for the documentation for G# Framework? It is installed with G# and can be accessed from LabVIEW menu Help>>G# Help.
The documentation for G#-UML plugin is installed with the plugin and can be found from the WhiteStarUML help menu.
The online manual links are not broken. From where do you click? They work from the pages http://www.addq.se/test-och-matsystem/free-tools/#1466427987024-f3028ecd-e04f and http://www.addq.se/test-och-matsystem/free-tools/#1466427987118-850c7fa6-3ec0.
I agree that the english implementation of the webpages is confusing. I have complained about that. I hope that we will be able to make an effort to improve on that in the not to distant future.
The online manuals are:
Even if WhiteStarUML will not continue to be actively developed, it will continue to work. We have a plugin for WhiteStarUML which we have been using actively for years. It has just been a low priority to release it externally. If you interested, we can send the unreleased version to you.
I have started an implementation for supporting Enterprise Architect as UML editor. StarUML 2.0 is very interesting and has been maturing.
06:59 AM
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04:28 PM
Cranky is right that the https://www.addq.se/gsharpuml/ doesn't work (linked from the G# info page on our webpage).
I take it he tested the links on the LabVIEW Tools Network: https://www.ni.com/en/support/downloads/tools-network/download.g--staruml-plug-in.html
both of those links to the manuals don't work, who has the ability to change them?
04-26-2018 07:55 AM
04-26-2018 10:01 AM
There has been some reconstruction of the addq.se domain and the manuals got lost, but here are the online manuals, located on a different server:
We will update the links to redirect to these new locations.
Mattias E
04-27-2018 06:30 AM
My memory is not so good. We did release the G#UML plugin for WhiteStarUML about 1.5 years ago. It is available at https://www.addq.se/test-och-matsystem/free-tools/#1466427987118-850c7fa6-3ec0. There is no VIPM-package for that though.
However, an update to support reverse-engineering of very large projects has been long overdue to be released. It will be available as a VIPM-package. Soon.
Regarding the links to the manuals, the only change was that the initial link used some capital letters which were converted to lower case in the reconstruction of addq.se (so the links works if you change to lower case for those that are capital in those links). I will notify NI today.