12-14-2020 11:00 AM
Hola a todos,
I'd like to thank the GUNS organizer for giving me the opportunity to present during the last meeting.
As promised, here is a link to the video of the presentation --> https://youtu.be/PnTyp3rWSv0
And slides can be viewed here --> https://www.wovalab.com/Reveal.js/antidoc-in-a-nutshell/presentation.html#/
Note that I add 2 examples of what king of graph overview you can get on a real project
08-31-2021 03:33 PM
Hi Oliver,
I'm trying to find if there is an easy way to include VI terminals description in the generated doc. Is there such an option? Am I missing something?
09-01-2021 08:11 AM
Hello Michal,
There is currently no option to include VI terminals description.
Feel free to create a new issue in the GitLab project to describe what you are expecting in the resulting documentation. We'll continue the discussion there.
--> https://gitlab.com/wovalab/open-source/labview-doc-generator/-/issues