Hidden Gems in vi.lib

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New Hidden Gems in LabVIEW 2017

The new version of the Hidden Gems in vi.lib package will be available for download on the LabVIEW Tools Network by NIWeek 2017. It exposes the following new VIs in LabVIEW 2017:


  1. High Resolution Wait.vi (located in vi.lib/Utility)
    Similar to the Wait (ms) function, but with sub-millisecond resolution. This VI uses the QueryPerformanceCounter and QueryPerformanceFrequency functions in kernel32.dll, and is thus Windows only.
  2. Debug Write.vim (located in vi.lib/Utility/Debug Log)
    A VIM that adapts to input to display arbitrary data types in a debug log window while your VIs execute. This VIM is useful to drop in your code at various points to log data to a debug window when troubleshooting.
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