10-03-2007 07:45 AM
10-04-2007 11:09 AM
Hi dsimkins,
Since the voltage spikes are periodic and you’re able to measure a clean signal with an oscilloscope, I think one of two things is happening:
1. Your signal is correct, but needs to be filtered.
2. Either the amplifier or ADC is damaged in your USB-9201
Your oscilloscope probably has some sort of filter on its input, which might be why you don’t see the voltage spike in that measurement. The USB-9201, however, does not filter data on its input. It looks like your voltage spikes are coming in at about 20 kHz. Try filtering this frequency by either setting up an external filter with hardware or by adding a filter step in Signal Express. You can add a filter in Signal Express by left-clicking on the Add Step button and selecting Processing » Analog Signals » Filters.
If the above doesn’t work, the amplifier or ADC might be damaged. You can determine if either of these is damaged by testing a known voltage on your analog input lines. Try testing each channel with a known voltage source, like a battery. Alternatively, if you don’t have a battery, short each analog input channel to ground. If you can, perform this test in a Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) test panel. If this test reveals that the applied signal does not correspond to the measured signal, it is likely your device is damaged.
Finally, I recommend testing your signal on each analog input channel to see if you can reproduce the voltage spikes. Please post back if you have more questions. Have a great day!