08-28-2007 12:34 AM
08-28-2007 05:53 PM
Hi VI Guy,
I would take a look at the niScope EX Multi Record Fetch More Than
Available Memory.vi (Help » Find Examples » Hardware Input and Output » Modular
Instruments » NI-Scope » Continuous Acquisition). This should allow you
to trigger and fetch for a long duration. This will eventually run into a
buffer overflow error, but not for quite a long amount of time because it is
fetching records from the buffer individually as soon as they are ready.
From what I gathered, you’re talking in terms of just a few minutes. Is
this correct? In addition, are you using the niScope Export signal vi for
your triggering? Have you tried exporting the "ready for start
event" to a PFI line which would be used as the start trigger for the 6229
Analog output task? I'm going to look into this a little more, but if you
could give me the answers to these questions it would help a lot. Also,
it would be helpful to know the exact duration and number of samples.
Paul C
08-29-2007 11:22 AM