01-23-2015 04:19 PM
Is there anyone willing to share their C examplary code to to a basic data acquisition on this card.
I am having a hard time from NI-SCOPE install to have a simple routine, initialing the card, and
configuring and store a digitized data into a hard disc. I am using Visual Studio environment, and
have a difficulty having some of there example code compiled correct.
01-26-2015 11:01 AM
Hello TenSang
You can find NI-SCOPE examples installed in your PC installed here:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI-SCOPE\examples\c
Where you using those examples before?
Frank R.
01-26-2015 01:43 PM
Thanks Frank. I looked at there, and I see only source file (.c and .h) and makefile, not the projection file,
which I am still having some difficulty creating a project to compile the file successfully.
01-26-2015 03:43 PM
Hello TenSang
What do you mean by "projection file"? Is it the project configuration file or user interface? What kind of errors are you getting when you compile?
Frank R.
01-26-2015 03:52 PM
Sorry, yes I meant the project file that lets you do the compile. I am getting error messing missing with several header files where
I thought that I give all the path information for library diectory and include directory that I can see from the installation.
01-26-2015 04:51 PM
Hello TenSang
Are you following the information in the NI-SCOPE Software User Manual? Under the chapter: Programming in Different Application Development Environments (ADEs)...
Frank R.