High-Speed Digitizers

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Unable to perform time delay measurement error

I’m having trouble getting my PXI 5152 to take a two-channel time delay measurement. I keep getting the same error (-1074126846), which says “unable to perform desired measurement.” I have verified that both signals are reaching the digitizer using the soft front panel. For reference, the incoming signals are square waves that go from 0V to 4.5V with a frequency of 1ms. I've included my setup below. Also, I am using NI SCOPE 17.0 if that matters. Any help is greatly appreciated as I seem to be running out of things to try to fix this issue.


// Initializing Instrument

niScope_init( logicalName, VI_FALSE, VI_FALSE, Instrument_Handle);

Inst_Handle = *Instrument_Handle;



// Configuring Measurement

ViChar chanName = “1”;

ViChar otherChanName = “0”;

niScope_SetAttributeViReal64( Inst_Handle, chanName, NISCOPE_ATTR_INPUT_IMPEDANCE, impedance)); // impedance = 50 ohms

niScope_SetAttributeViString( Inst_Handle, chanName, NISCOPE_ATTR_MEAS_OTHER_CHANNEL, otherChanName);


// rate = 50,000,000, numPoints = 500,000

niScope_ConfigureHorizontalTiming(Inst_Handle, rate, numPoints, 0.0, 1, VI_TRUE); 


// range = 10V, offset = 0, coupling = DC_COUPLING, probeAttn = 1

niScope_ConfigureVertical(Inst_Handle, chanName, range, offset, coupling, probeAttn, VI_TRUE); 

niScope_ConfigureVertical(Inst_Handle, chanName, range, offset, coupling, probeAttn, VI_TRUE);


niScope_ConfigureTriggerEdge(Inst_Handle, chanName, 1.0, NISCOPE_VAL_POSITIVE, NISCOPE_VAL_DC, 0.0, 0.0);



// Initiate Acquisition and Fetch Measurement


niScope_FetchMeasurement(Inst_Handle, chanName, 1.0, NISCOPE_VAL_TIME_DELAY, &result);

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