Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Add gpib-enet\100 with python

Hi, I'm trying to create a python program that gets a gpib-enet ip and adds it.

It should be similiar to the "gpib ethernet wizard".

I can't find a way to do it programmatically without actually lauching the wizard GUI.

How can I do this?

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Message 1 of 8

Can you give us more information? Why do you not want to launch the wizard?


Do you already have anything written that you can post?


Spencer R | NI

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

I've written a web server for my company that connects to all the remote controlled instruments we use. Through the server web page any worker can quickly send commands to any instrument he wants from any computer even if it doesn't have ni-visa installed (because it's installed on the server). I also added a web page to add new instruments to the server, for example: a worker can put a pc IP address and the server automatically adds all the instruments connected to this pc.

Now I want to also support adding instruments that are connected to our network with the gpib-enet\100. 

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Message 3 of 8

Are you able to contact/see the devices connected to the GPIB-ENET/100 currently? 

Can you not do something similar to "a worker can put a pc IP address and the server automatically adds all the instruments connected to this pc"

But instead of the IP of the workers computer, could you use the IP assigned to the GPIB-ENET/100?

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Message 4 of 8

That's exactly what I'm asking how to do. I need to add the devices connected to the gpib-enet\100 by its IP address. Adding devices connected to a PC was simple enough using the visa server and PyVisa python package. But adding devices connected to a gpib-enet\100 seems more complex.

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Message 5 of 8

Why does this seem more complex? 


Are you able to see all of the devices that are connected to the GPIB/ENET device?


Do you have any ideas on what you are planning on doing within Python? My background is not in Python, so to make better suggestions it may be easier if I could see how you are trying to do this. 



Also I figured I would include the link to a webpage that I found talking about the NI ENET to GPIB devices and Python. 



Spencer R | NI

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

My question can be how can I add a gpib-enet programmatically. I want to know how to make my python script communicate with instruments that are connected to the network with a gpib-enet without using the "gpib ethernet wizard" to configure it.

Message 7 of 8

If you wanted to do this in LV, I would use the Sys Config API. However it doesn't have a .NET interface.


System Configuration Download:

This means you will most likely need to compile it into a .dll and then call it from Python.


Spencer R | NI

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Message 8 of 8