Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Anyone else programmed the Open ATE PE16A DIO card?

I am trying to program the Open ATE PE16A card using Labview and the PE16.dll. So far I am unable to get any response from the card.

Anyone have any ideas why?

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Message 1 of 7



I would contact the manufacturer/provider and specifically asked them for drivers available to work in LabVIEW. for that board.


I went to their site and they seem to have a VISA API.


Check the following link about using VISA in LabVIEW:


Best of Luck with your project.



Luis S
Application Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 7

Luissg the VISA API does not exist. They have a driver that is a DLL in Standard C and no Labview driver. I had to write the driver myself and am now testing it. The documentation is VERY poor. They do not even show the data types correctly. The user is left to determine if int is 16 or 32 bit. They have very little information about the card usage in the manual. In fact there is very little text in the manual and what text there is does a very poor job with descriptions. I met with the owner/developer last week. Unfortunitely I only got minimal info from him.

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Message 3 of 7

@SunshineDesign wrote:

Luissg the VISA API does not exist. They have a driver that is a DLL in Standard C and no Labview driver. I had to write the driver myself and am now testing it. The documentation is VERY poor. They do not even show the data types correctly. The user is left to determine if int is 16 or 32 bit. They have very little information about the card usage in the manual. In fact there is very little text in the manual and what text there is does a very poor job with descriptions. I met with the owner/developer last week. Unfortunitely I only got minimal info from him.

So, why was this card purchased?
If it is because of price, you get what you pay for.


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Message 4 of 7

Purchased before my time and they did the tests with it last time. Test Engineers do not always get to pick and choose their equipment.

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Message 5 of 7

I was able to get the my code working yesterday. If anyone needs a Labview driver for the OpenATE card contact me.

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Message 6 of 7

Can you send to me?

I need it and do you have skype?

My email :

skype : mason0422

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Message 7 of 7