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Controlling ProScan III X-Y stage with LabView

Hi there,

I'm new to LabView and this forum, please excuse me for asking sily questions!


I am on a project trying to use LabView for automation PRIOR ProScan III x-y stage to allow Gel mapping.


The stage is connected with the computer with USB COM 5.


I have tried to use SERIAL PORT with specified parametres

Untitled.jpgIt is still not complete, I was just attempting to be able to establish some sort of controls . But it doesn't work.


I kind of followed what my collegue has previously done with a actuator control , and PX GX is what I found in the ProScan Mannual as commands (later I have realised it is the command in the Prior Terminal.


I have tried to use code provided in the PRIOR terminal, it all works, so I don't think the connection is a problem. 


Also I have found some sample LabView programme from PRIOR website


Screen Shot 2016-07-05 at 17.04.04.png

I sort of understood that it is an Invoke node, but I have no idea how this will allow me to connect with the stage. How do I get the reference input?


I've been so confused and frustrated with this recently, thus dicided to ask in the forum. Any help will be appriciated.


Thank you very much

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Message 1 of 3

Hi there,


Have you tried communicating with your device using Hyperterminal/Brays Terminal, just to ensure that it does work outside of LabVIEW? Your code that you've supplied there isn't very clear on what you are communicating to the device and what you are looking to get back from it, so if you could elaborate that would be very helpful.


Best Regards,


James Kent

James Kent | Applications Engineer | National Instruments UK & Ireland
w: |
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Message 2 of 3

Hi  there, 


Thanks for your reply.


What I am trying to do is to send a commend to the x-y stage ( specified in the instrument manual) to move the stage.


I have tried with control terminal supplied by the PRIOR to control it with the commands and arguments specified in the manual, it seemed to be working ok. The code supplied is something like 'G 200,400 <CR>' which get it to move to the point (200, 400). The 'G' is the command and '200, 400' is argument and '<CR>' is termination character (I think).


I have also tried to use 'Intrument I/O Assistant' in labView, it is working too. I have used the same code and applied 'Query and Parse' with termination character '\r'.


However, my final goal is to be able to input the dimension of the gel sample (ie diammetre) in the front panal and get the stage to move to designated points automatically. With intrument assistant I have to input the location of points manually into every single Assistant Block, which is probably the least I want to do as with around 80 points on a gel, it is next to impossible to do so for every single one. 


On this note, I think the best way is still to use the serial port approach (something similar to what I included in the question) then allow me to pull a string to give same value of coordinates to every sigle writing block.


I have attempted something new

Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 10.50.28.png

Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 10.55.18.png

So for this, I want to move 'x' 2000 micrometres . The code for Intrument Assitant should be GR 2000, 0 <CR> , so that is what I have done. But keeps on getting errors. 


I adapted the structure from my collegue who has programmed z-axis from a different manufacturer, but with same type of command coding system. So I assume the stage will work the same way? 


Any ideas, please? Thank you!


PS: I have also contacted PRIOR for support but they were unable to provide any support on how to programme their products into LabView. 




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