Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Delayed Read response from SR810 lockin amplifier over Prologix GPIB-USB

I am trying to read data from SR810 Lockin amplifier over Prologix GPIB-USB

Here is the screenshot of the shell showing commands and their responseimage.png


As we can see, the response to the commands is extremely delayed even when the data points are updated on-time.
Also when I am querying something I am getting reply of the previous query for example as we can see in the above screenshot, I am getting a response '8191' to the query 'print(prologix.ask('SRAT?'))' which should ideally have given me '13' as a reply as shown in this screenshot


image (1).png



What could be the probable reason of this delay?

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Since you aren't using any NI hardware or software, your posting here does not seen appropriate. You should be asking your question to prologix. The prologix is not a true USB-GPIB controller like ones from NI, Keysight, etc.
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