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Driver or application vi for Tektronix/Thorlabs PAT 9000B polarimeter

A student is using this instrument as part of a research project for us, I would like to try speed things up by finding any software available to retrieve data from this instrument.


Either GPIB or Ethernet can be used.


I found this page which dates back to 2004:

This is the Thorlabs product page



Thank you,


Eric Girard

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Message 1 of 2

Hello Eric,


I searched through all the Tektronix/Thorlabs drivers on idnet and did not come up with any drivers specific to the PAT9000. However, I did find drivers for the Thorlabs PAX5710 [] which is another polarimetry device, which might provide a good starting place for your student should your student need to write instrument driver GPIB calls for the PAT9000 system. You might also consider attempting to reach ThorLabs technical support, just in case they previously have written drivers for that device.



Blayne Kettlewell

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