Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Efficient optimized way to read from serial port and GPS data display using map


I have a custom h/w which reads the data from GPS Rx and after parsing send it to PC over RS232.

Each second it sends 201 bytes to PC. I have developed a VI to read the GPS data and display it. Project file is attached.

Fulctionality of different loops are as following:

1. LOOP 1: 1.1 Reads the serial data from com port.

               1.2 Synclonize the frame using start bytes "a" and "z".

               1.3 Reads next 4 bytes containg receiving error information.

               1.4 Reads next 195 bytes. in which initial 80 byes are GPS data. rest are others.

2. LOOP 2: 2.1 Extarcts the GPS information and put them in an array.

                  2.2 Extarcts the receive error infor and counts the total error by incrimenting the variable using shift reg.

3. LOOP 3:3: 3.1 Displays the GPS data in chart and log the data in a file.

4. FLOW : Uses the GMAP .NET based API to creat a MAP and display.


Problem statement:


1. Functionality acheived.

2. However in between data set is being missed by the programm. 



1. Is the developed VI is efficient in terms of using queue loacl variables etc.

2. What are the improvments I can do to solve the problem.


Any other suggestions|


Thank you





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