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Error 1073807346 in TKTDS1K2K Read over GPIB



I've inhereted an old setup (using Labview 7.1.1) to a Tektronix TDS 1012 Oscilloscope, and I'm having difficulty getting data from it (over GPIB).  When I run the example program, I get the error #1073807346 (BFFF000E in hex) "Property Node in TKTDS1K2K>TKTDS1K2K Read Waveform to>TKTDS1K2K".  On further exploration of the error it says that the possible reason is: " The given session or object reference is invalid."  


I've redownloaded VISA and the VISA runtime drivers, and it still doesn't work.  I'm not even sure exactly what the problem is, because the VISA session information is passed through several VISA reads and writes before this without any problems.  The only thing is that there's a lot of buffer information added at the Read node, but it's all from the downloaded driver so I wouldn't suspect that would be the problem? I believe the GPIB address is right and that there is indeed communication between the oscilloscope and computer, so after several days of tinkering I'm out of ideas. Anyways, thanks for your help!



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I followed the wires and don't understand what happens other than your oscilloscope seems to have halted.

Is it maybe a loose connector for GPIB or a rusty connection?

greetings from the Netherlands
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Are you able to send the device basic commands (like *idn?) using the simple VISA or GPIB examples in labview? Im curious if the issue is in the driver programming or in the device communication itself.


Also, what GPIB card/device are you using?




Kyle Mozdzyn

Applications Engineering

National Instruments


Kyle M.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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