Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Errors -1074000000 and -1073807339 with Tektronix 7000 Series Instrument Driver Example Programs



I am having the exact same problem with a DPO7254 on windows 7 and Labview 2011 although I am using a GPIB to USB cable, which I will eventually change to Ethernet cable.

I have also tried what Spears is saying with no luck.

Some times on Step 5.2 after the I get this warning:

"1073676294, Warning 1073676294 occurred at VISA Read in tkdpo7k Fetch (Waveform).vi->tkdpo7k Read (Multiple Waveforms).vi->

Possible reason(s):

VISA:  (Hex 0x3FFF0006) The number of bytes transferred is equal to the requested input count. More data might be available.

The difference with my situation is that the software runs fine for a few seconds, the gives the error " -1074000000"


So maybe increasing the input of that can help.

Also I believe our problem will be solved if we put the fetch in a case which will be enabled only when there is a trigger and thus a waveform for it to fetch.

I have yet to find a programming manual for SCPI commands by Tektronix and maybe someone can help on that?


Thank you for your time.

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 23

Hi Eleftherios,

We tracked the issue down to the firmware on the scope that was incompatible with the driver calls we were using. Essentially, the instrument driver was developed with a certain scope firmware, then the firmware was upgraded and the driver wasn't, causing the driver to give those errors. We were recommended to roll back the firmware version but we had a newer scope which wouldn't allow that. We waited on a resolution from Tektronix support but none came so we ended up cancelling the project.


If you are able to roll back the firmware version on the scope then you will likely fix the problem. If not, perhaps get NI support to follow up with Tektronix again and let them know the status of your issue. Then please post that on here so we can reevalute moving forward 🙂


Sorry I can't be of more help!

Brian Spears

Sixclear LabVIEW Training & Development

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 23



I don't have time to roll back the firmware and probably it is not possible for me also since we have the same model. For Single acquisition i get these errors only if the screen of the oscilloscope is empty. When a waveform appears, it may take a few msec but everything turns back to normal. For the time being i will just override those errors to not cause a problem with the rest of the software. I have also contacted Tektronix about this and I am waiting for a response.


Kind regards,


0 Kudos
Message 13 of 23

One way to resolve the situation, is to start the software with AUTO mode and continuous acquisition. This way the screen is never empty.

After I set my triggers and change to single with normal mode and I never see an error.


Best Regards,


0 Kudos
Message 14 of 23



I use the LabVIEW software (version 7.1) on an OS windows XP an the oscilloscope is switched on an ethernet wire.


I think, i met a quite similar problem, because when i run my program a first one, everything is ok but the second there is the error 1074000000.


"error-1074000000 comes from tkdpo7k error



               intrument reports:

               402, `operation complete´

               2241 `wavefrom requested is invalid; wavefrom data not available; CURV?´

               410, `Query INTERRUPTED´

               0, `No events to report - queue empty´ 


I reade in another topics:




and i saw that is an frequently error.


I think the problem comes from the tkpdo7k read driver wich is wrong. Could you say me if my idea is right, or if i have programming error?

and if it is the case could you say me where i can load the new driver and if my old LabVIEW version is adapt with the new driver


I wait your answer as soon as possible (there are my program in attached pieces).



0 Kudos
Message 15 of 23

It looks like you have written some of the VIs and not just used the functions in the driver. Your code is questionable since you have a loop inside of an event structure and in that loop, you are constantly initializing and reseting the scope.


Your version of LabVIEW is obsolete and the latest version of the driver does not support it. The last time I used the 7k, I had no issues.

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 23

what do you mean whean you said: "It looks like you have written some of the VIs and not just used the functions in the driver"

in the VI waveform acquisition i use a read wavefrom driver, isn´t it?


ok i delete the loop in the event structure.


but i think that any of this modifications can resolve my issue,

could you say me if there is an solution in spite of my old LabVIEW version? (for example in update my LabVIEW version to download the last driver)


(could you give me the websites where i can find those)



0 Kudos
Message 17 of 23

how start the software with AUTO mode and continuous acquisition?

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 23

what do you mean whean you said: "It looks like you have written some of the VIs and not just used the functions in the driver"

in the VI waveform acquisition i use a read wavefrom driver, isn´t it?


ok i delete the loop in the event structure.


but i think that any of this modifications can resolve my issue,

could you say me if there is an solution in spite of my old LabVIEW version? (for example in update my LabVIEW version to download the last driver)


(could you give me the websites where i can find those)



0 Kudos
Message 19 of 23

It depends on the way you developed your software.

In my case outside my main while loop I initialize the "Configure Continuous" to true and also give the command "TRIGGER:A:MOD AUTO".

This way the oscilloscope will acquire a noise signal, thus its screen will not be blank and you don't get the error.

Maybe it is not the best solution but it works for me.




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Message 20 of 23