I use Keysight 82357B USB to GPIB controller. I am trying a node-red application and I recieve error VI_ERROR_LIBRARY_NFOUND (0xBFFF009E). Before I had another error but this was solved, so I know communciation to VISA is ok.
In MAX I have checked that NI-Visa is enabled and Keysight Visa is disabled. (With tools NI_Visa and Visa options and preferred VISA is NI VISA.)
In MAX I do not see the GPIB device in devices and interfaces.
I made a check and communication with Keysight program works fine, I can pull the data out of the measuring equipment. So USB GPIB controller works fine.
I have reinstalled keysight first and then NI-Visa later. But this didn't helped me either.
Can any one help me? Where to start?