02-22-2014 08:54 AM
Hi, everyone!
Recently, I am designing a software using VC++ for controling The HP 3458A. But I find I can not handle it!
I want using the command "ID?\n" to query the name of the Mac as description in its datasheet, but I almost get noting!
1. I can use the command"ACI"/"ACV"... to set its range. So I am sure the 3458A can receive the command and excute it.
2. But as it mentioned above, I want using the command "ID?\n" to query the name of the Mac as description in its datasheet, but I almost get noting!
3. I search for some references and konwing(not sure) that you can't get back infomation unless the 3458A to be set as "TALK ONLY" mode. I have read the UserGuide of 3458A and I still do not konw how to set the 3458A as "TALK MODE" mode!
4.Meaning while, if you konw how to solve it, I also hope you can teach me how to get the meassure datas from 3458A via GPIB.
I use the NI-VISA lib.
Would appreciate any advice you can give,
Xiaobu Xu
02-22-2014 10:43 AM
02-22-2014 11:39 AM - edited 02-22-2014 11:40 AM
try *IDN?\n 😄 😄
02-23-2014 06:44 PM
Dennis_Knutson, Very appreciate you~!
I have did it using the VISA test panel ! Almost get nothing meaning that I can get 3458A's answer when I send "ID?\n" at the reset or first start, and then I sent command it answer anyting.
I found that when it enter "TALK ONLY" mode, I can get the reply. But I can't fount how to set 3458A into "TALK ONLY"mode in it's UG for maybe I am so silly...
02-23-2014 06:47 PM
thanks for you~~~
It does't support "*IDN?\n"...
02-23-2014 08:43 PM
02-24-2014 12:48 AM - edited 02-24-2014 12:50 AM
@johoh wrote:
thanks for you~~~
It does't support "*IDN?\n"...
Why I'm so shure that it does.... 😉
Have about 5 3458 in our lab ....
and *IDN? is part of the 488 standard
But wait, I'm using the LabVIEW driver the last 10 years ....
Maybe you have to check your termination signaling.
08-06-2014 04:56 PM
Not sure how you guys got it to work with "IDN?" the ID check for HP 3458A should be "ID?". Read the user manual chapter 6 and 7.