Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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How to detect instrument connected to USB port on sbRIO 9607




I have a IMU sensor that I connected to PC's USB port and was able to acquire data in JSON string. I used VISA with a virtual COM port as VISA source. Just opening a connection was enough to read data needless of writing anything to the sensor.


Current scene:

Now I would like to Implement the same acquisition process but on a sbRIO-9607 with the on-board USB port in RealTime. I connected the same sensor to USB but I could not detect it in either MAX or in Labview. I see 7 ASRL::INSTR ports under the hardware of sbRIO but plugged in sensor. 


Is it even possible to Read data with usb on sbRIO and use in RealTime VI??

Could someone please guide me as to how I should detect it and how I could acquire data from it...




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