01-27-2016 06:22 AM
As I mentioned I'm using a data aquisition board which converts 4 analogic signal into digital. I'm using PIC16F88 programmed to send 1byte by channel. Of course, a mx 232 converts TTL. Data is sent to laptop in a frame of 4 bytes, after PIC receives a staring byte from LabView. I want watch signals in a 4 channel chart (one measurement each channel). First of all, I tried watching only one signal by connecting only one sensor to my board, the problem is that part of the measurement is showed in the first channel, part on the second and so on. I will appreciate if somebody could help me with this issue. Thanks
01-28-2016 02:54 PM
01-28-2016 04:21 PM
@Rodo67 wrote:I will appreciate if somebody could help me with this issue. Thanks
Impossible to help without seeing your code...