08-02-2014 02:14 AM
I am doing noise measurement of device with Dynamic Signal Analyzer (DSA) Hp 35670A. I need to automate the measuremnt process with help of labview. I have installed the drivers for DSA hp 35670A by find an istrumnet driver help menu in labview. While doing this labview was showing that DSA hp 35670A is connected to system, since i have connected the DSA hp 35670A to my system via KEITHLEY GPIB - USB 488A connecter. I have also installed driver for KEITHLEY GPIB - USB 488A connecter. But when i try to see the same in NI - MAX it is not showing that the DSA hp 35670A is connected to system. I have also attached the snapshot with the post. It is clearly seen that nothing is seen under the name of GPIB connecter KUSB 488A. So plase suggest me how to get rid of this problem.
Thank you.
08-02-2014 08:27 AM