Dear Sir; I am trying to control Lecroy waverunner LT322 osciloscope with Labview 6.0. I downroaded the instrument driver. But when running the VI, SubVI is needed for the program. How can I find the SubVIs for the LT322 VI?
Dear Ben, Thank you for your response. The program tries to load the lcltxxxx_32.dll file in some libraly, when running any VI in lcltxxxx.llb. But I cannot find the DLL file anywhere. Plaese show me how to solve the problem.
I found the lcltxxx_32.dll file in c:\VXIPNP\WINNT\Bin. But when selecting the DLL file, I met the error notifying "The procedure entry point_ResetCalledFunPtr could not be located in the dynamic link library instrsup.dll" The LeCroy VIs still do not work. Please show me what I should do next.