12-15-2015 05:38 PM
I have a question on NI-MAX and Instruments.
When I open NI-MAX, it does see PCI-GPIB "GPIB0" under Devices and Interfaces, but it doesn't communicate with any my instruments like Agilent 34970A or California Instrument CSW5550... I tried to replace different GPIB cables and GPIB cards, but still not communicated. Please help
12-15-2015 06:16 PM
12-15-2015 11:53 PM
I installed NI-488.2 CD driver, this inluded NI-MAX and most of software such as, Labview 2010, labview runtime, NI DAQ, NI -VISA....
After doing scan for instruments, there is no any instrument displayed.
12-16-2015 01:21 AM
12-16-2015 09:57 AM
We are still using Windows XP for ATE, the software DVD is NI-488.2 for Windows 8/7/Vista/XP and Labview Real-Time.
We have several ATE stations with Windows XP are working without any issue.
12-16-2015 10:01 AM