I am very new to the Labview and Visa. I have designed a hardware with PIC18F4550 microcontroller which supports USB module. The device consists of 4 LEDs which will be the indicator for the output. I am trying to make a simple input and output device using USB interface. I am using Labview 8.2 for the client software also NI-Visa 4.3.0 for the driver wizard.
I got the USB framework (MCHPFSUSB) from the Microchip website (http://www.microchip.com/stellent/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1999&ty=&dty=§ion=&NextRow=&ssUserText=mchpfsusb) and I used it to program the chip . I have created a driver using NI-Visa and I have followed the procedure according to the tutorial from the NI website. Everything works fine until this point. When I open the "Measurement and Automation", I could find my device in the list. The resoruce name is shown as: USB0::0x0401::0x00AA::NI-VISA-0::RAW. The attribute setting that i got from the "Measurement and Automation" is:
Timeout Value = 2000
Maximum Queue Length = 50
Termination Character = 0x0A
Termination Char Enable = VI_FALSE
IO Protocol = 1
Suppress End on Reads = VI_FALSE
USB Maximum Interrupt Size = 64
USB Control Pipe = 0x0000
USB Bulk-Out Pipe = 0x0001
USB Bulk-In Pipe = 0xFFFF
USB Interrupt-In Pipe = 0x0081
USB Alternate Setting = 0
USB Bulk-Out Pipe Status = 0
USB Bulk-In Pipe Status = -1
USB Interrupt-In Pipe Status = 0
USB End Mode for Reads = 5
For my first experiment, I just want to turn on and off the LEDs using a command from the Labview. I assume that the output will be controlled by the "Visa USB Control Out" (correct me if I am wrong), however it needs a set of input that I do not really understand. What do I have to fill in as the index, value, request type, and request for the "Visa USB Control Out" ? Can someone help me? Thank you