Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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PXIe-8135 GPIB Scan for Instruments disabled


I want to connect an electronic load to the PXIe-8135. I bought a Micro D cable and connect the load . When I open the Measuremanet Explorer, I open devices and see the PCI-GPIB. The self-test was successful. But the button "Scan for instruments" is not available. It is grey and has no funktion. Has anybody a solution? The settings from the PCI-GPIB are: GPIB-ID=GPIB0; Primary Adress 0; Secondary none; Timeout 13(10s); System-Controller and Autopolling are enabled; End of write enabled; Cable HS488 0; Parallelpoll 0 (2µs); Bus-Timing 2 (500ns).


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Message 1 of 10

@Miks wrote:


I want to connect an electronic load to the PXIe-8135. I bought a Micro D cable and connect the load . When I open the Measuremanet Explorer, I open devices and see the PCI-GPIB. The self-test was successful. But the button "Scan for instruments" is not available. It is grey and has no funktion. Has anybody a solution? The settings from the PCI-GPIB are: GPIB-ID=GPIB0; Primary Adress 0; Secondary none; Timeout 13(10s); System-Controller and Autopolling are enabled; End of write enabled; Cable HS488 0; Parallelpoll 0 (2µs); Bus-Timing 2 (500ns).


Does connecting a load automatically make the load an instrument???


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Message 2 of 10

I don't know. I think, there is an general problem maybe in the software configuration of the PXIe.

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Message 3 of 10

Hi Miks,


I've got some questions.

- What electronic load do You want to connect?

- Which GPIB-Card do You use?

- Don't You think You'll probably need a GPIB-Cable?

- Could You upload a screenshot of the MAX,

  and a MAX-Report?



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Message 4 of 10



this sounds very similar:


Solved: VISA: Access to the resource or remote machine is denied. - Discussion Forums - National Instruments

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Message 5 of 10



please excuse the long time without an answer. The problem still exists.


I followed your link. The adress of the host PC (xxx.102) is set under "security" of the PXIe8135's NI-VISA.

But the VISA interactive control as mentioned in is not working. When I select the remote controler  (xxx.230) at "Machine" an error occurs.

The error massage and Ni-MAX is attached.

The NI-Server is running on the PXIe8135 and i think the version should be compatible, because they are the same (NI-Visa 15.0.0)



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Message 6 of 10



could you check the instructions in this KB?


NI-VISA Error 0xBFFF00A7 from Real-Time Target - National Instruments

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Message 7 of 10

The instructions were checked out, but the problem still exist.

To explain better:

I want to connect a Power Control Resource (PCE Chroce 63804) to the PXIe-8135 through a GPIB HS488 0 cable.


Through MAX it´s possible to see a GPIB resource, but it´s not possible to "Scan for Instruments", as in the picture 1, so it´s not possible to follow the normal Tutorial instructions (shown in


Trying to communicate through VISA Interactive Control (version 15.0) results in Read Operation Error Hex 0xBFFF0015.

The adress of the host PC is set as written in and the KnowledgeBase. (as in picture 2)

But the VISA interactive control as mentioned in the KnowledgeBase is still not working (as in picture 3).


Best regards

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Message 8 of 10

I have exactly the same problem as Miks.


PXIe-8135 Controller, "Scan for instruments" button is grayed out, VISA interactive control throws error 0xBFFF00A7.


I have installed visa 15.5 but during the boot sequence it says "NI-VISA Server 15.0 started successfully." Could that be an indication that there is a version conflict? Re-installing VISA didn't change anything.


A solution would be nice...


By the way, USB and RS232 VISA resources work well.

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Message 9 of 10



apparently the "Scan for Instruments" Button is greyed out on RT Systems, but ti is still possible to establish a connection:


How Can I Test Communication With GPIB Instruments Connected to My Real-Time Target? - National Instruments


How Do I Control My VISA Device from Another Computer? - National Instruments


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Message 10 of 10