Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Serial Communication with TDK-Lambda

Hello, I'm trying to control the genesys TDK-Lambda 750W power supply through serial communication(Through hyperterminal). I have connected my power supply with the PC using a RS 232 cable with DB25 and Rj-45 connectors. THe power supplu has the following settings:

Bits per second:9600(Default)

Parity :None


For serial communication the power supply is setted to use RS232 in the rear panel.

I have verified the address, the baud-rate, the switches on the rear of the instrument, but it appears all ok.

I have verified the COM in the PC, too..but it doesn't talk with the tdk lambda. when I send "ADR 06" to the power source through hyperterminal it should say "OK", but I read only

ADR 06

ADR 06


I don't know whether the communication port on the power supply is enabled or not.could any please help. Thank you

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Message 1 of 7
Neither hyperterminal or the instrument are NI products so I'm not sure why you are posting here. The vendor should have a support page.

That being said, double check the command and the termination character(s).
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Message 2 of 7


I don't know whether the communication port on the power supply is enabled or not.could any please help. Thank you

You are the one sitting in front of the instrument. How are we to know?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

Baud rate needs to be set to 19200.  


Have fun.

Message 4 of 7

mraya001, were you able to get this to work?  I have the same Lambda power supply with the Lambda-supplied RJ45 to DB9 RS-232 cable and I get no response from the power supply whatsoever, just a timeout.


The port on the supply is enabled as far, as I can tell from the documentation.  The PC's serial port is functioning because I can use the NI-MAX VISA Test Panel to communicate with two other devices that are presently sitting on my desk.


Unless I missed it, the documentation does not say anything about having to send special termination characters, but it wouldn't surprize me if that's what it is.


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Message 5 of 7

Ok, I got this to work using the VISA Test Panel in NI-MAX.  It was the termination string which Dennis alluded to in a previous post. 


Make sure you uncheck Send End On Writes.  The power supply requires only a carriage return after a command.  Nothing more, nothing less.  Oddly, it will not work if you check Enable Termination Character.  Once I unchecked those and manually added the \r to the end of my command strings, everything worked.  Also note that the supply will not respond if it doesn't get a ADR\s06\r as the first command in a "session" (the \s and \r are just visual representatives of a space and a carriage return respectively.  06 is the factory default address setting).


(edited for spelling)

Message 6 of 7

Friend, I tried the way you mentioned, but I still have no communication with the Power Supply.
Could you share the pinout you used on RS232 cable with DB9 connector to RJ45 connector?


I made following the table described in page 51 from TDK-Lambda User Manual:


DB-9       RJ45

2 RX       7 TX

3 TX       8 RX

5 SG       1 SG


Note: The DIP Switch "SW1" are all in the DOWN position!

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Message 7 of 7