Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Simulate GPIB Kethley 6430 using IVI driver

Hi Everyone, 


I'd like to know if there is a way to use IVI drivers to simulate a Keithley 6430, and also maybe a Keithley 2128. I don't have the device but I would like to make some tests, so simulating it would be very useful.


If it is possible? If yes how should I do it? Is there a tutorial?




Best Regards,



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Message 1 of 6
First you have find IVI drivers for them. NI does not have them. Check with Keithley.
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Message 2 of 6

Hi Dennis, 


Thanks for your answer.


I do already have downloaded them, and they show something in Max but the drivers for the Keithley are Visa Drivers, and I can add an IVI control on the block diagram but I dont know what to do with it, as IVI is not Visa right.


What is the next step?




Best Regards,



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Message 3 of 6
An IVI driver does not have s block diagram. An IVI driver cannot be written in LabVIEW so I have no idea what you downloaded. Please provide the link.

An IVI driver is based on VISA and is written with LabWindows/CVI if it is an IVI-C driver. There are also IVI-COM and IVI-NET types. Please see for definitions.
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Message 4 of 6

Hi Dennis, 


Thanks for your answer, 


I have downloaded the file from this link:


As state on this webpage:, I have first downloaded and installed the 

and installed then the IVI driver from the previous link it gave me acces to some configuration under MAX, but I don't see it, on the front panel, in VISA Control List I only see it in the IVI control List.


Also, on the Keithley configuration panel, installed with the I/O Layer, whenever I change the configuration of simulated to TRUE it gets back to False by itself.


I know I am lacking some knowledge in with IVI driver, Thanks a lot for you help, 


Best Regards,



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Message 5 of 6
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Message 6 of 6