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Simultaneous sampling using Tektronix TDS 2014

The scope does not support what you are trying to do. If you want to collect two waveforms captured during the same acquisition you must use the "Single Sequence" acquisition feature of the scope.  

Andrew Alford
Production Test Engineering Technologist
Sustainable Energy Technologies
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Message 11 of 16

Hi Matt G,


Can you put your VI on the forum to see what you did to solve your problem?


Thank you for your help.





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Message 12 of 16
Albert have the solution to Matt G's problem. Have you done this?
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Message 13 of 16

Hi Dennis,


I do not really get the advise given by Albert. Indeed, I triggerred only one acquisition and that didn't work. I use a loop to continously record simultaneous channels and the trigger is outside the loop. I put my programme in attachment as well as a screen shot of my problem.


Thank you for your help.





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Message 14 of 16

First of all, I think you should be setting up a Sample mode and trigger on DC.


Move the setting of the acquisition mode to outside of the loop.  The Get Waveforms actually starts the acquisition.

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Message 15 of 16

Hi Crossrulz,


Thank you for your advice. Nevertheless, that doesn't work because if i move the acquisition mode outside the loop. First, the lag is still present. Second, that doesn't record properly. Finally, there is no graphic visualization because the graph stays fixed on the first loop.





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Message 16 of 16