I am using a ITC 510 IEEE488.2 laser diode combi controller from thorlabs.
It worked well using the operating elements at the front panel, but now I want to control the LD controller by LabVIEW. LabVIEW 8.2,a GPIB interface card (Adlink PCI-3488),NI VISA 3.1 and ITC510-IEEE Driver (supplied by thorlabs in CD-ROM) have been installed. Now GPIB utility (the driver of GPIB interface card) can detect ITC 510 and show "PROFILE,ITC510,0,Ver.2.22"(See figure named GPIB Utility in attachment) every time,but when I send a command *IDN?, it response nothing except only once it responsed "PROFILE,ITC510,0,Ver.2.22". I open "DIP Wizard" and "Remote-ITC" ( ITC510-IEEE Driver), then click "connect", an error appeared "Insufficient location information or the requested device or resource is not present in the system."(See figure named ITC error in attachment). By the way, a tektronix oscilloscope conncet well using the same GPIB interface card and cable.
I don't know what is wrong.
Thanks for your attentions! Any advices will be appreciated!